Selasa, 06 Oktober 2009

BMC Student Safety And Good Practice Seminar - Saturday 3rd

Jon Garside (BMC / MLTE Training Officer) organised another successful Student Seminar this year. The Seminar was based at Plas Y Brenin on the 3rd and 4th October. Over 100 students turned up from all over Britain and the 2 day program was packed for both nights.

I was one of many instructors in the 'Instructor Army' for the weekend. On the Saturday we took a team of the students out from PYB to a local single pitch crag to look at some single pich issues - warming up, bouldering, environmental impact, suitability of venue, sensitivity towards other climbers, top roping, bottom roping, rigging, belaying, scenarios etc.. An excellent session and even the weather was good for us.

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