Kamis, 22 Oktober 2009

Heathfield School - Gold Assessment

13 Girls made it to the Gold D of E Qualifying Expedition. Their practice had been in scorchio hot weather a couple of months ago - I was a bit worried if they were ready for a wet October in South Wales. The weather started perfect for them in the first couple of days, frosty starts, clear skies - but then the sky grew cloudy, and it all fell apart. The forecast heavy rain arrived with a vengeance and the girls had to adapt fast. They had to get tough fast. All credit to them. They didn't want to be there wet to the skin, walking up hills into mist and rain - trying to trust the compass, but they made it. Particular congratulations on surviving night 3, when EVERYTHING was wet and nasty. It was great to see them in to the finish line - their boots came off FAST - and then we could let them have Lilys' birthday cake - congrats on being 18...

Congrats on passing a tough Gold assessment...

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