Selasa, 01 Desember 2015

Friday In Coire an t-Sneachda

On Friday I got a chance to get out and have a quick climb with Jonny Hawkins, who I met in South Wales (Woodlands OEC and Kilvrough Manor OEC) about 4 years ago, before I was in the world of freelance instructing or moved to Scotland - when I was still working as a teacher. Since then, he's finished his degree and is about to embark on his career in the outdoors. On Friday, he got to use his new purchase for the first time - my old Quarks. At one point I nearly set off with the quarks, stopping myself, remembering they're not mine any more!

There were teams on Hidden Chimney (popular this week), Invernookie, The Seam and Fingers Ridge. Again the snow was crusty, the rime was thick and the turf was frozen.

Me trying to find a way through the rime

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