Senin, 02 November 2015

Coaching Rock Movement

Na Gruagauchean in the Mamores with snow in the coire down below 600m
For the last 2 days I've been with the college students working on their Rock Movement skills, based at the Ice Factor. Each day driving to work, I've been drooling over the snowy hills, trying to keep my eyes on the road. The Snow level has come down low today to below 600m in places. The low snow will remain for at least a few days with the freezing level at about 700m over the weekend. With light winds and low temperatures, it's sure to be another busy early season, winter climbing weekend on the white high crags. So it seems to be poor timing for me to be on a paddling course tomorrow - with my axes sitting idle indoors!

Connor playing on the bouldering wall

Connor doing his endurance training circuits at the Ice Factor

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