Minggu, 08 November 2015

Safety coordination and activities for Polar Expedition

Based up at Rothiemurcus Lodge from Friday evening until this afternoon I have been working on the filming of a promotional video for a trip to the South Pole to commemorate 100 years since Shackleton's attempt in 1915.  The trip is being led by Polar expedition leader Charlie Patton.  So far Rig Deluge has sponsored a large part of the expedition, recruitment and training process.

This weekend's activities were delivered to an eager team that were willing to be put through their paces for the day.  Meanwhile a film crew (equally as eager) were capturing the goings on and chat throughout the day.

My job role was to assist in creation of the plan for the day, delivery of a number of activities and overall safety of the participants and film crew.

After a 4am start to deploy two sledges somewhere on the hillside I joined the more civilised folks for breakfast and we all departed after 6am walking in the dark to search by torchlight for the sledges.

Throughout the day the teams were given various tasks to push themselves and test their ability as individuals and a team both mentally and physically.  The day was kept in focus as best as possible to a number of aspects that they may well encounter if they were to join the expedition team.

Recruitment will be open soon for this brilliant trip!  Keep an 
eye out for more of my work with this project.

Looking North towards the Rothiemurcus estate.

Lots of standing around watching one person pull the sledge...

One team on the skyline taking the high road.

Dealing with the hazards of moving on rough terrain.

Walking towards the sun.

Map route check under the many lenses of the camera team.

The two teams using their initiative to keep out of the ice cold melt water on the hostile Polar landscape.

One Matt and his drone.

The leader has frostbite and cannot use their hands whilst the rest of the team have 
snow blindness and cannot see; oh yeah and please put up the tent!

End of the day!

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