Jumat, 20 November 2015

I'm still here

Ahh, we all must admire this time of year; the nights are dark again, the weather is unpredictably bad most of the time, cold and flu are hopping about and everyone seems super busy.

I'm sitting sniffling as i write this having had to put off route-setting at Transition today because of feeling fairly pants. To brighten my day however a new delivery of kit came (Christmas presents).

I've not managed to get out much over the last wee while as I've been keen to spend time with Sam as we have a baby due in 4 weeks now and that, along with the busy season at the wall; things are a bit hectic.

With the onset of getting out in winter looming ever closer (or so it seems) I'm psyched and already have some routes and trips planned for the days i can get away. Until then I'll take a bit of time out to post some snippets that may be of use to anyone getting out to the hills, going to the local wall or looking to get some new kit.

Being particularly good at giving all my kit a good bashing and test I tend have a lot of climbing gear and clothes. So to this end I'll make use of that and put up a few postings of my own personal kit reviews of items I use, don't use, or wont use.

Until then, keep keen and healthy out there!

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