The weather forecast was a little poor for today. Strong gusting winds (55mph), low cloud and scattered snow/rain showers. It was an improving forecast though with winds due to come down to perhaps 20mph. With the avalanche forecast low for south facing slopes, I decided on the Aonach Eagach ridge, with a late start to hopefully catch the mild afternoon winds. So I parked and left the car at 9am. When I left the summit of Am Bodach to start the ridge, the wind was still as strong as ever. I spent ages deciding what to do, and eventually decided to make a start along the ridge. After a couple of hours, the wind did die down a little.
The route was in terrific condition. There was a huge amount of semi consolidated snow. The visibility varied from 5m to 30m.
At the end of the ridge, I dropped off Sgorr nam Fiannaidh, south, and eventually got under the cloud base (at about 600m). Got back to the car at the top of Glencoe before 4pm. I didn't manage to hitch a lift back to the car :(
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