Minggu, 14 Februari 2010

Left Twin, Roaring Forties, Morwind

Keith and Angus

Keith finishing the main Left Twin pitch

Angus on his way down

Angus topping out

Keith topping out

Working again on the Climbing workshops for the Fort William Festival - through Abacus Mountaineering. Today I met Angus and Keith at the Nevis Range. The weather was very different to yesterday, and it had been snowing over night with westerly winds, so the cornices on the east had fresh snow on top and the slopes were loaded. The Avalanche risk category was Considerable.
I decided not to abseil down easy gully. So instead we abseiled down to climb the top 2 pitches of Left Twin, followed by abseiling down to climb the top 2 pitches of Roaring Forties, followed by abseiling down to climb the top 3 pitches of Morwind. Awesome.
There were parties on Left Twin and Tunnel Vision, but the exit of Tunnel Vision looked dicey with all the fresh snow.

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