On Friday Sam, Stuart and I made our way for an afternoon of climbing at the Pass of Ballater. Routes including Stinker, Black Custard, Lucky strike, Right hand crack and Ping pong were climbed as this was Stuarts' first visit to the crag.
Sam finished the day off with a brilliant lead on Original Route (VS 5a**) that was approached and climbed with composure, style and finesse (if only the rest of us copuld do the same!!).
The camera didn't come out but a sneaky few pics were taken of me leading Stinker (E1 5b*); I've lost count of the ascents I've made of some of these climbs. When I have convinced my phone to let me upload the photos I'll post them. in the mean time here's some pics of Stuart on todays action in the rain.
Stuart attempting to push over the fingers!
"Can I get down now? It's kinda windy!"
Today Stuart and I aimed to get onto the elusive Magic Crack but yet again we were disappointed. Not because of crowds but due to the bad weather and frequent showers. Instead we took the opportunity to polish off our flora knowledge and took the easy option of climbing Fingers Ridge (Diff*). We topped out for some food and then bumbled a bout the plateau looking for very random indistinguishable features for our navigation exercise.
Well off to be, another day of polishing those key skills tomorrow!