Sabtu, 18 April 2015

Holyhead Mountain - 11th April

Hat (VD) in the middle of the photo

On the Wednesday, 11th April, we headed to Holyhead Mountain with an open mind. The weather was brilliant for us, and we had fantastic views of the mountains of Snowdonia. Catrin decided to get stuck into leading straight away, and she started with D'Elephant (VD) on the Central Slab. Catrin climbed easily, and focused on good ropework with the double ropes, and a high quality of gear placements at regular intervals.

Catrin leading Hat

We then moved on to the Sub Slab and Catrin led Hat (VD). Hat seemed to be a much better quality climb, being more sustained and with cleaner, more solid rock.

Catrin ab'ing down after leading all day

We all had a great day in the sun (although I put a jacket on towards the end of the day). Tomorrow Catrin will lead again, but also top-rope some harder climbs.

Contact Max (email - or 07724740225) for your own climbing/mountaineering course in Scotland or Wales.

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