Rabu, 28 Januari 2015

Avalanche Awareness With SAIS

Today Mark Diggins ran an excellent SAIS Professional Development training day for AMI and BMG members. This was a joint event for Jagged Globe and West Coast Mountain Guides. We learnt about all the latest developments with SAIS. SAIS have 5 areas for which they produce avalanche reports. There is a section on the website to study recorded avalanche activity. There are 5 observers blogs to read (eg Lochaber). You can get the forecasts on your mobile, or get daily updates via the new SMS message service, follow them on Twitter or find them on Facebook.

We looked at the latest developments in producing the avalanche reports, teaching avalanche awareness and decision making.

As usual on a Mark Diggins/SAIS training day, I learnt a great deal, and will adopt lots of these developments into my avalanche awareness teaching in the nest 2 months.

The short video shows Mark conducting a burp test,

SAIS CPD Training day with Mark Diggins from Max Hunter on Vimeo.

Thank you to Jagged Globe and West Coast Mountain Guides. Thank you to Nevis Range for the use of their facilities.

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