Selasa, 20 Januari 2015

Douglas Traverse

Ben Nevis Castle Area

Today was the last day of the Jagged Globe Winter Mountaineering course for Wendy, Dan and Tom. I was working with Tony Halliwell. We decided to head for the Ben. The Ben track was covered in snow causing difficulty for everybody. Only one car made it to the top car park. Again the team wanted to look at winter leading, so they could have their own adventures after the course. We chose the Douglas Gap West Gully and Traverse (I*). Kenny Grant and Ben Wallace both led ropes up Fawlty Towers today.

Ben Nevis looks a little more wintery now

Wendy on the left. Tony Halliwell and Tom on the right in West Gully (I*)

We had West Gully to ourselves. There was some fresh snow, but the old neve was still there to make progress easy.

Wendy in Douglas Gap

There were some accumulations of snow in the East Gully, but not enough to cause concern, and it was only patchy. A quick abseil took us down to the neve lower down. From here we could see the bottom of Point 5 Gully and a team of 3 retreating from it's base.

A quick abseil down East Gully

Align Centre
The start on Point 5 on the right hand side. Just after this photo was taken I spotted a team on 3 retreating from the base of Point 5.

So finished a terrific week for the team. They had great fun in the 'Scottish weather', and enjoyed all the climbing. Hopefully they're eager to come back for more...

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