Kamis, 22 Januari 2015

Snowy, Icy And Windy In SCNL

Tony Halliwell gearing up on the walk up into SCNL.
I'm working on a Winter Mountaineering Course for Jagged Globe this week. Today I teamed up with Jan and Jeff. They want to get their hands on as much as poss this week with an aim to becoming independant. We headed up into Stob Coire Nan Lochan to find a huge amount of stream ice, and drifted snow. Our foot prints would fill in within minutes behind us, and often we had to push through deep waist deep snow to get further up, or later, down. A great day, however we did find lots of slab to be cautious of, which seemed to have various layers of weakness.

Looking up from where the path crosses the stream towards the waterfall. The fall is frozen and the stream has deep drifts covering it.
Jan alternately leading with Jeff up 4 pitches to the side of the frozen waterfall
Some of the drifted snow is fine to just wadfe down through - Here's Jan and Jeff, knee deep

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