Minggu, 13 September 2015

Nav training in Scotland

On Thursday, nav training around Glen Finnan. Unfortunately the weather wasn't poor enough for poor vis micro nav...

A stunning view, showing that the weather was mixed, rain, light winds and mid level clouds

The next day was better for poor vis micro nav. Here Lena is doing fine nav work on Aonach Mor, in consistent cold fine rain, strong wind chill, low cloud and poor vis.... Exactly what we need!! Today was colder than lots of winter days, but no frost bite :)

Lena Brune, on it, hitting every leg

Brilliant cold, poor vis conditions

Somewhere near the summit - I think !!

Looking out East in a break in the cloud

Not exactly the conditions we were looking for, for testing poor vis nav training, but still full on Scottish weather! This time no midges :)

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