Sabtu, 16 Mei 2015

Self rescue part 2

Last night Debbie, Dave, Dave and William opted for a dryer setting to progress their problem solving and rescue skills. 

We spent a few hours covering topics such as assisted and unassisted hoists and then into abseiling past a knot. 

All of the topics we have been looking at and practicing are part of the bigger picture surrounding self sufficiency on small and large crags when things don't quite go to plan. This could be something as simple as a second who cannot progress high up on a multi pitch crag or a leader who is unconscious and fallen into space on a traverse.

Very relevant topics which many climbers may struggle to solve effectively and efficiently. 

Debbie abseiling past the knot. 

William trying off the belay to setup a hoist.

Talking through the solution before commuting. 

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