Rabu, 13 Mei 2015

Summer Mountain Leader Training - Expedition

Camping at 450m
Days 5 and 6 of the Summer Mountain Leader Training Course at Glenmore Lodge was the Expedition with Bill and Sandy. There was snow on the hills all week, but driving to work on Friday, to Aviemore from Inverness, we passed a working snow plough and at the highest point of the A9 there was about 10cm of lying snow beside the road. At Glenmore Lodge the expedition plan changed again to an even lower altitude to avoid the growing winter conditions.

Sandy and Bill
Summer Mountain Leader Training with some almost wintry weather
The group did well dealing with the conditions. Even though there was snow, the visibility didn't deteriorate too much at any point.

Meall Chuaich (munro, meaning Hill of the Quaich) on the left with Loch Cuaich

Feshie Hills covered on snow
Cladonia lichen - Cladonia arbuscula - Most common in the alpine zone towards the east
The first day went well and then at about 10.15pm when it was finally dark we managed to get out to do night navigation until 1.20am. Back at the tents we enjoyed a clear sky and good views of the stars and a great view of Venus.

All the group did really well during the course, and I think some of them will be booking an assessment course for later this year, with some others for next year.

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