Minggu, 25 Oktober 2015

Clipping Bolts

About here is where the 6a+ starts. At this point I wish I had another jacket and gloves on !

A roof! Great.. I need a jug (and a jacket!)...

I find the jug, and suddenly I don't need the jacket anymore - eventually sport always warms you up...

A tricky slab to finish the 50m pitch.. Normally I love slabs, but not today when the friction is so rubbish!

Well there we go - rain, so ends the climbing... But I'd already ab'ed off, so happy days...

Claire Sansom wanted to go climbing, I thought 'is it dry enough?', 'is it warm enough?' - I put on as many jackets as I could - time to find out... As I was driving, the tarmac on the roads was still wet, but the concrete in Swansea was drying, Hmmm, okay, so where to go... Claire is going to Kalymnos in a couple of weeks, so we agreed on a little sport in Barlands Quarry... Mistake!! Why didn't I choose some warmish south facing dry trad sea cliff? The face was in the shade, the rock freezing cold and a little damp, it made for emotional sport climbing !! But today I wasn't to be beaten, so I pushed to the top and abseiled off..... Just in time, before the rain started!!

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