Selasa, 31 Maret 2015

Aonach Mor - Sans Harness

The east face looks in good condition at the moment (from the top!). Here is a cut exit for White Shark (I could have done with one of these 2 years ago, when I got stuck under the cornice!)
Lena and I opted for an easier day today using the Gondola to get to Aonach Mor East Face. We had a relaxed walk up to the top, talking about what to do, with bags full of both ice and mixed racks. So... Our bags were full of rack, but one of us didn't have a harness (she'll remain nameless!), so the conversation changed to - how shall we spend the rest of the day! We had a quick walk about and there were quite a few climbers about. I looked at a couple of exits - White Shark has a good cornice notch. Left Twin is as easy as ever. Right Twin has a big sagging cracked but frozen cornice over it, but climbers have found an exit, sharp left looking up (right looking down) (Split Buttress exit).

Here is Ben and Lena - one of them forgot their harness today!!
Nevis Range was hugely busy today

We used a little of our spare time to drive over to the Ben track from Nevis Range to take a look at the tree damage. A lot of tree felling is needed before this road is viable again
Here is the main obstruction 100m after the gate

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